"So that it will make sense." Perry you believe everything you have posted because the Bible tells you so. You believe the Bible because the Bible tells you that God inspired the words that you believe. We come circular with this belief.
Now, you also tell us that you can go beyond the Bible because you have a very personal experience with Jesus and that can't be argued.
Combining the two together you have certainty in your life and want to share this with us and anyone who would believe as you do.
Many of us have come to realize that "The Bible" which is believed by many that it is a historical book and does reflects the mind of a people living thousands of years ago.
So, we cannot accept any of your arguments when you cite scriptures to support them. The believers here will agree with you, however try as you may to convince those of us that know for a "FACT" as you like to say, that the Bible is a sacred text that originates with ancient Israel.
Therefore , so that it will "Make Sense" I believe that "Death Anxiety" is the cause of latching unto any kind of belief system that will bring relief from this anxiety. Feeling that one has a special relationship with God/Jesus calms the heart and mind and frees one from "Death Anxiety."
This seems to be working for you. Take good care of yourself and rest ion the certainty of your own beliefs as I do mine.
Blueblades? Mall Cop